


Mr. Tse is the founding Chief Executive Officer of MSOA. He works across advisory, finance and banking services over a decade. Mr. Tse was invited as the guest Speaker of the 6th Annual AML & Financial Crime Conference Asia Pacific, which was organized by the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (“ACAMS”).

Mr. Kwan FCPA (Practising)

Mr. Kwan is the founding director of a consulting firm which specialises in providing AML and compliance consulting service. Concurrently, Mr. Kwan is a practising fellow of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. For over the decade, his past experience in BIG 4 has earned him a well-established profession across disciplines of Compliance, Auditing and Accounting.

Programme Objectives:

This programme is jointly organized with PEAK. It is designed for money service operators to better understand the latest statutory and regulatory requirements regarding the AMLO Statutory Requirements of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing. The program also aims to raise participants' awareness on the importance of Customer Due Diligence and Ongoing Monitoring, for the purpose of detecting irregular or suspicious financial activities, and hence, to enhance the compliance level of MSOs.

Course Outlines:

  • Brief introduction to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance and the Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (For Money Service Operators)

  • Definition of Customer Due Diligence measures

  • How to identify and verify customer identity

  • Definition of risk-based approach

  • How to adopt risk-based approach mechanism on ongoing monitoring

  • Definition of record keeping

  • How to identify and report suspicious transactions

  • Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department’s latest requirements on MSOs

  • Sharing of market information

Date: 15 November 2021 (Monday)
Time: 19:00 - 21:30 (2.5 hours)
Venue: 9/F, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Suitable to: This course is suitable for money service practitioners and other related parties
Language: Taught in Cantonese supplemented with English terminology
Fee: HK$590 / HK$490* (For applicants who pay by cheque or credit card, please submit the completed enrollment form at least 7 working days before the course commencement)
*Fee Discount: The course only costs MSOA member HK$490 per person. To verify the eligibility to the special discount, applicants must enroll in the course through the Hong Kong Money Service Operators Association.

Course Application:

Please complete and mail the application form along with a crossed cheque made payable to Vocational Training Council for the course fee. Mail to : VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH / PROMISSORY NOTE). The application will be processed in about one week. When a class is full or cancelled, a 100% refund will be made.



Mr. Tse is the founding Chief Executive Officer of MSOA. He works across advisory, finance and banking services over a decade. Mr. Tse was invited as the guest Speaker of the 6th Annual AML & Financial Crime Conference Asia Pacific, which was organized by the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (“ACAMS”).

Mr. Kwan FCPA (Practising)

Mr. Kwan is the founding director of a consulting firm which specialises in providing AML and compliance consulting service. Concurrently, Mr. Kwan is a practising fellow of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. For over the decade, his past experience in BIG 4 has earned him a well-established profession across disciplines of Compliance, Auditing and Accounting.

Programme Objectives:

This programme is jointly organized with PEAK. It is designed for money service operators to better understand the latest statutory and regulatory requirements regarding the AMLO Statutory Requirements of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing. The program also aims to raise participants' awareness on the importance of Customer Due Diligence and Ongoing Monitoring, for the purpose of detecting irregular or suspicious financial activities, and hence, to enhance the compliance level of MSOs.

Course Outlines:

  • Brief introduction to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance and the Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (For Money Service Operators)

  • Definition of Customer Due Diligence measures

  • How to identify and verify customer identity

  • Definition of risk-based approach

  • How to adopt risk-based approach mechanism on ongoing monitoring

  • Definition of record keeping

  • How to identify and report suspicious transactions

  • Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department’s latest requirements on MSOs

  • Sharing of market information

Date: 8 November 2021 (Monday)
Time: 19:00 - 21:30 (2.5 hours)
Venue: 9/F, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Suitable to: This course is suitable for money service practitioners and other related parties
Language: Taught in Cantonese supplemented with English terminology
Fee: HK$590 / HK$490* (For applicants who pay by cheque or credit card, please submit the completed enrollment form at least 7 working days before the course commencement)
*Fee Discount: The course only costs MSOA member HK$490 per person. To verify the eligibility to the special discount, applicants must enroll in the course through the Hong Kong Money Service Operators Association.

Course Application:

Please complete and mail the application form along with a crossed cheque made payable to Vocational Training Council for the course fee. Mail to : VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH / PROMISSORY NOTE). The application will be processed in about one week. When a class is full or cancelled, a 100% refund will be made.




陳振廉 Certified AML


關卓賢 FCPA (Practising)





  • 打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集條例

  • 打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集指引

  • 金錢服務經營者牌照指引

  • 施加罰款紀律行動指引

  • 紀錄處分罰款指引

  • 有關適當人選準則的指引及補充指引

  • 金錢服務經營者牌照申請人/持牌人遞交業務計劃的指引

  • 金錢服務經營者牌照申請人/持牌人遞交打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集政策的指引

日       期: 2021年7月3日 (星期六)
時       間: 上午10時至下午1時半 (3.5小時)
地       點: 線上工作坊 (Zoom)
語       言: 廣東話授課,以英文輔助
費       用: 非會員 HK$1,500 / 會員 HK$1,200 (若選擇以支票付款,必須於開課前最少4個工作天前遞交報名)
溫習指南: 溫習指南將會以速遞形式交予參與者指定收件地址


請先於網上填寫表格,申請人可用轉帳或支票繳付工作坊費用,請將入賬記錄電郵至本會[email protected]。本會開課前會以電郵確認是否收到有關表格及費用。任何未填妥之表格,或未有附上入賬記錄的申請,本會將不會處理。


銀行名稱: 交通銀行(香港)有限公司
戶口號碼: 382-533-02053299
收款人名稱: Hong Kong Money Service Operators Association Limited